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12:23pm 02-21-2024
super mario

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itsa me
1:30am 02-14-2024
Pablo Morales

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I love your site! I've learned so much!
11:35pm 02-06-2024

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your personal manifesto really resonated with me as a young teen who doesn't have access to diagnosis yet
11:05am 01-31-2024
Hello, what a wonderful site. I'm working with a new therapist who is also autistic and believes that I might be on the spectrum. I am about to turn 28 years old. I've spent much of my life confused about myself and thinking that something must be wrong with me. You and other unapologetic autistic individuals here remind me that I'm okay as I am. Thank you.
9:09am 01-19-2024
Heather Millican

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3:24pm 12-15-2023
Ratika Deshpande

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I HAD to drop by to let you know that this is hands down one of the the most beautifully-designed websites I have seen in my life. Kudos!
Replied on: 2:38pm 12-18-2023

Aww, thank you so much Ratika!!

2:32pm 11-30-2023
oh my goodness!!! i saw you compliment my site so I had to check out yours and YES. I LOVE THE VIBES. i adore this all so much! you have a new follower for sure :]
Replied on: 3:02pm 12-01-2023

Thank you so much yoona!!

4:43am 11-30-2023
Love your website, you have a very unique art style. I am autistic as and find your content very relateable (also bill and ted is awesome)
Replied on: 2:59pm 12-01-2023

Thank you so much Xan! And party on dude!

7:36am 10-04-2023

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Hey again! It’s really cool to see you’ve featured me on this site! I’ve also come here to let you know that I’m now on Neocities, and that the link to my site will need a lil’ updating.
Replied on: 12:59pm 11-29-2023

Hey Pearlnight! Thanks for letting me know, will update the link! And sorry for the late reply! Haven't been checking my guestbook for awhile.

2:16am 09-29-2023

Website/Social media URL:

This is a good site
Replied on: 1:42pm 09-30-2023

Thank you Sylvi!

5:30am 09-24-2023

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Hi! Nice website! I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry about your experiences in that Catholic school, that was such a wrong thing to tell anyone, particularly a child.I am so sorry that happened to you. However, that doesn't make Catholics, or Catholicism anti-neurodivergent! I am Catholic, Autistic, and loved. I love having Catholic friends for many, many reasons. (True) Catholics believe that everyone is created with equal worth, goodness and right to love. Catholic friends ( the really traditional, devout ones) are nearly always kindest to me, and least judgmental of me when I can't, or don't want to mask. When I was a child, I was put in traditional, Catholic education, because the public schools wanted to try to "fix" me, whereas The Church only ever showered me in love and acceptance. I am always amazed with how happier, kinder, and cheerfully unmasked my Catholic Autistic friends are compared with my secular Autistic friends. During hard times in my life I know I am never alone, because God is with me. He has showered me in love and blessings. My church community has always been so caring during the most difficult times. They never seem to forget, or live behind someone who needs support. Praise God, and may He he bring you to happiness eternal.
Your sister in Christ,
Replied on: 1:38pm 09-30-2023

To be autistically blunt, what do you expect me to say to your comment? Because I'm very sick of people telling me "but no TRUE christian would do such things!!" whenever I share my traumatic experiences with religion. Whether or not the people at my school were "true" christians/catholics, it doesn't change the fact that they traumatised me as a child and used their religion to justify their actions. And childhood trauma messes you up for many many years (or maybe even your whole life). When people say shit like "but no true christian does that!!" in response to me sharing my religious trauma, it just tells me that they're only interested in making themselves feel better at the expense of invalidating my experiences.

Also, I've found much more love and acceptance for my unmasked self with secular people than devout christians/catholics. Who's to say which one of our experiences is more valid?

10:21pm 08-23-2023

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Hey! Just a burned-out software engineer dealing with executive dysfunction here, and suspected resident of the autism spectrum. Love what you're doing with this site!
Replied on: 8:52pm 08-27-2023

Thanks Jack! So sorry to hear that you're feeling burned out, I know from experience how much that sucks. Hope things get better for you someday soon!

10:01pm 08-20-2023

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Hello from another autistic person! I just came across this website last night and I fell in love immediately. So much so that I've gone ahead and showed it to all my friends (autistic as well), and they all love it too! Awesome work!
Replied on: 8:48pm 08-27-2023

Hi Pearlnight, thank you so much and thanks for showing my website to your friends! Really appreciate it. Your website is cool too, I've added it to my Links page!

12:24pm 08-17-2023

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Love the website! Looks fantastic 🔥🖤
Replied on: 8:46pm 08-27-2023

Thanks Martin!

8:35am 07-24-2023

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Thank you for linking me! Your website looks fantastic! I will be sure to link it on my site when I get the chance.
Replied on: 2:33pm 07-29-2023

You're welcome, thanks Amber!

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